Reed Market Road in southwest Bend will be closed at night until the end of August, the first of many road closures happening throughout Bend through mid-September.
From Monday through Aug. 28, Reed Market Road will be out of commission from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. for grinding and paving. It’s been about 20 years since the road has been fully repaved, aside from spot repairs, according to the city of Bend.
Road closures will begin from the Bend Parkway west to Century Drive with marked detours for traffic flow, according to Paul Neiswonger, transportation and mobility department streets and operations manager.
Other night road closures this summer include Riverside Boulevard Aug. 28-29; Butler Market Road Sept. 3-4; NW 12th Street Sept. 4-9; Division Street Sept. 9-12; and Bear Creek Road Sept. 12-17.
Because of the number of travelers on these roads, crews will begin road work at night to reduce traffic disruption. Crews will begin the closure process at 7 p.m. and will officially close the section of road for work at 8 p.m.
Reed Market work
Reed Market Road is heavily traveled and will be the toughest project — and longest stretch — out of all road repairs, according to Neiswonger.
“It’s time for a repave,†Neiswonger said. “We’ve done some minor — what we call ‘stop gap’ — repairs, but with the potholes and the rutting and everything, (Reed Market) Road was pretty much under-built back in the day.â€
Crews will grind down the 3 inches of old asphalt on Reed Market Road and apply 4 inches of new pavement for a smoother, softer traveling experience.
“It’s like a house that has paint peeling,†Neiswonger said. “You got to get rid of all that bad paint that’s peeling before you can put a new coat on it. So basically, we’re getting rid of all the bad asphalt. We’re gonna put fresh asphalt down.â€
For the most part, each road repair will look similar in its process. The most difficult parts prove to be roundabouts, not for the shape, but because crews have to close four legs of road, which further disrupts traffic.
Project segments
Each road project will be completed in segments. Crews will close the stretch of street to repave while keeping the old stretch of road open for travel. When the segment is done it will reopen and crews will move on to the next segment.
Roads are planned for renovation according to the city’s so-called pavement condition index, which measures the quality of road, said Neiswonger. A road is considered “failed†and not eligible for repaving if it measures below a score of 45. Neiswonger’s goal is to keep each road in Bend from a score of 80 to 100.
“The idea is, before it falls off, we’re gonna do another treatment,†Neiswonger said. “(We do) the best we can, with the ability and funding — that can be a tough part. Sometimes the road has to sit a little bit longer before anything can be done.â€
Detours for Reed Market Road will direct traffic on the Bend Parkway to take the Colorado or Truman exits.
To check for future detours and road closures, the city of Bend recommends checking and other traffic applications.
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Excellent coverage of the road situation and very informative. Thank you!
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