An appeal filed earlier this month by a Bend homebuilder says a tree code adopted by the city of Bend in June to protect the urban tree canopy is flawed and will only serve to increase the cost of housing.

Now other organizations and developers have joined Pahlisch Homes in its bid to halt implementation of the code.

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Michael Kohn has been public lands and environment reporter with The Bulletin since 2019. He enjoys hiking in the hills and forests near Bend with his family and exploring the state of Oregon.

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(3) comments

Michael J

This concerned group of builders claims it want to "better balance community concerns! That is code for all out clear cuts on any land the city gives them. They will next be claiming that there is less fire hazard and lower insurance costs with these ugly junipers gone. The city will probably sell the land around Cimarron City or some other cinder dust wasteland.


"While they try to tear the mountains down to bring in a couple more

More people, more scars upon the land"


Before we even discuss the trees and the issue of water, let's consider that building houses on desert scrub land is unsustainable.

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