Bend’s Hayden Homes Amphitheater (344 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive) will host six shows over seven nights, with a variety of different musical styles represented.
Ticket prices for these shows vary, depending on location of seat, availability and so on. Visit for more information. Here’s who’s coming to the big stage: On Thursday night, the veteran Nebraska band will headline a bill of guitar-forward alt-rock, also featuring 2010s bands Awolnation and Neon Trees. Shout out to 311 for their funky reggae-influenced sound, which set them apart in the post-grunge era. 6:30 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.
Speaking of reggae, every summer a couple of package tours of reggae-rock bands roll through the amphitheater. On Friday, it’s frequent Bend visitors and Pepper, with Denm and Artikal Sound System opening. Breathe deep, friends! 5:30 p.m., doors open 4 p.m.
On Sunday, it’s a night of feel-good sounds from inescapable hitmakers , ‘80s giants REO Speedwagon and the Yacht Rock Revue, which covers songs by artists like Steely Dan and Michael McDonald. This one’s like the cruise ship of concerts. 6 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.
If you’re looking for something to do on a Monday night, consider Lindsey Stirling, the dynamic artist who combines virtuosic violin skills and eye-popping choreography. She puts on quite a show! Saint Motel opens. 6:30 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.
If Michael McDonald covers (see Sunday, above) aren’t your thing, you can catch the velvety voiced singer live Tuesday with The Doobie Brothers, who have been rockin’ and rollin’ for more than half a century. Someone Facetime me when they play “What A Fool Believes.†The Robert Cray Band opens. 6 p.m., doors open 4:30 p.m.
Last but not least, Tuesday brings big-voiced Irish singer Hozier, who in April topped Billboard’s Hot 100 chart of America’s most popular songs with his hit “Too Sweet.†This one has been sold out for a while. The great Allison Russell opens. 6:30 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.
Ben Salmon is a Bend-based music journalist and host of Left Of The Dial, which airs 8-10 p.m. Thursdays on KPOV, 88.9 FM and streams at . You can find him on Bandcamp and X at @bcsalmon.
Robert Cray had his early 70's act in Bend at The Palace Tavern on Bond. Very few know that the people who brought the music to Bend, and they brought it week after week, were Michael and Tim Kozak. Dime beer and Robert Cray Blues downtown on Bond 1974!
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Robert Cray had his early 70's act in Bend at The Palace Tavern on Bond. Very few know that the people who brought the music to Bend, and they brought it week after week, were Michael and Tim Kozak. Dime beer and Robert Cray Blues downtown on Bond 1974!
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